Monday, May 16, 2011

getting over the hump or my case the "fear"

as i sit here another day at the office, i think to myself, "i'm sick of just another day at the office"...
i want more than just "another day at the office"... tired of the staleness and complacency of a job, ready for a new adventure, somewhere down career avenue...

but how do i rock the boat and step out of the box, when i'm constantly bombarded by this tiny but ridiculously huge blockade called FEAR?  how do i get it out of my head, and out of my life?...  i dream big, but live small and i'm not speaking monetarily... YES an increase in finances would be wonderfully accepted, but an INCREASE in happiness at the workplace would be a million times better...

so why instead of applying for that job that may be challenging but definitely worth it, why do i shy away and "accidentally" but "on purpose" forget to submit my resume on time?  why do i continue to complain but remain stagnant?  how do i overcome this fear? 

you ask:  "what is this fear of?"...  it must be of success, of accomplishment, or reaching my full potential...  of challenging myself in a new work environment and loving it!...  so how can i continue to come to work each day, feeling as if i get dumber by the minute?... having to open a book, just to make sure i can still read, lol, pathetic but true...  do i really want to do this for the rest of my life? 

i write this for advice, for some assistance and help!...  maybe a description on how you overcame this fear...  any and all advice welcome... so please anyone and everyone who can offer a word of encouragement or just a thought... it would be welcomed and appreciated ;-)

i thank you in advance....


  1. Everyone gets scared of change. You have so much going for you and it does frustrate me at times when you don't take that step forward. You are a bright and beautiful young lady. Take a chance. You say that you are not happy now, so what have you got to lose! Do it!! Take the plunge!!!! You have a support group behind you and we will not let you fall. Love you and I am so proud of you.

  2. Fear? Fear? Really? This from one of the most confident young ladies I know. This from the kid who coined the phrase "That's just Daniela's way". Listen, you don't maintain your employment because people like you. You remain employed because you are brilliant young lady with a great work ethic. If you can excel in your current work environment, just imagine what you could do in a job that you really liked.
